You are Playing : Battle City Tank


Description Arcade Battle City Tanchico online. How Friv online igru Battle City (Tanchico, Battle City, Tank 1990) - NES igrovыe plugins and Game Boy, Dendy, dandy Battle Gorod Friv online. Izvestnыy in CIS Rossii strange how "Tanchico." Odnim around pervыh of Games dlya platformы NES. Ego predshestvennikom bыl arkadnaya game tankovыy battalion vыpushtennыy Namco in 1980 godu Game sostoit around 35 osnovnыh urovney. Management: Podozhdite Arcade, nazhmite of igrovom field, it management klaviaturы: arrows and samples. Actions vidnы sverhu polygons. Igrok Dolj, to sort rulem tank unichtozhity has vrazheskie transportnыe funds urovnyah, kotorыe poyavlyayutsya gradually to the north of igrovom field. Enemy pыtayutsya unichtozhity bazu igroka (yuge igrovogo fields of vision in Orla) and met on sebya. On kazhdom urovne to you need unichtozhaty vrazheskie bronemashinы 20 Various species. Esli enemy can unichtozhity bazu or lishity igrokov Hallows book.plz im waiting life - lost the game


მოძრაობა: ისრებით, სროლა: Space

Play Count: 78882
Category: Shooting
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